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Our Mission

The Pursuit of Excellence For The Glory of God

The purpose of Resolved Ministries is to equip the universal church with expositional teaching of the One True Gospel, while aiding the local church in its purpose to serve as a pillar and buttress of truth. This ministry will accomplish this purpose through discipleship, education and sports ministry.
To faithfully proclaim the One True Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Saints by the exposition of Scripture. To establish a library of resources of Biblical truths which are discoverable for the new believer as well as the mature disciple. To ignite a passion for expositional preaching and teaching in the local body of believers by teaching and training the called shepherds of the flock. To educate the next generation of believers by equipping them with resources necessary to live a life of Biblical prosperity. To engage in the world of sports by proclaiming the Gospel boldly and trusting that God will use this ministry to impact the lives of those who do not know Him.

Family of Ministries

Resolved Ministries is the parent organization that encompasses many missions.

The Ambassador Lifestyle

A life controlled by the love of Christ implores others.

This verse-by-verse exposition of 2 Corinthians 5:1–21 will give you a newfound passion to live your life as an ambassador for Christ. Through this study, you will be:

  • Challenged in your daily walk with Christ.
  • Reminded to walk in a manner worthy of the Gospel.
  • Taught what it means to fear the Lord and not man.
  • Encouraged to persuade others to follow Jesus.
  • Oriented to the processes of justification and sanctification.
  • Charged with going into the world to speak on behalf of the King.

Believer in Christ, your home is not this temporary earth! Your citizenship is in heaven. But you have been commissioned by the King to be an ambassador in this foreign land. You are placed here for a purpose. You are put on the earth for a reason, which is to live The Ambassador Lifestyle as you implore the world to be reconciled to God.