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High & Lifted Up

Feb 21, 2022    Cole Cleveland

“In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple.” Isaiah 6:1

The greatest need for people both inside the church and outside the church is that they need to have an understanding of WHO God is. Our greatest need is NOT religion, enlightenment, money, fame or prosperity. Our greatest need is to have a right understanding of God.

The Gospel begins with a correct understanding of the Holiness of God. The understanding that “the Lord our God He is God and there is no other.” The Gospel must begin with the fact that all of the universe is dependent upon the God of Creation and the fact that He is dependent on nothing and no one. We must recognize Him in His Holiness. We must see Him as “High and Lifted Up”… understanding that He is way beyond us… It is for each us to submit to Jehovah God as Lord of all.

This is for us to realize that when God preached to Moses, He proclaimed His own name and that was a sufficient sermon. We must acknowledge His Sovereignty over all of the earth and His supremacy over all of creation. The Lord our God is Sovereign over all time and space and matter. The Lord our God reigns supreme over His creation. He is HOLY!

The Biblical Gospel necessitates that we have a proper understanding of God’s Holiness. We must KNOW His Holiness and respond to His Holiness. To be a follow of Christ, our response must be like Isaiah. We must recognize God for WHO He is and put Him in His rightful place.

We see that Isaiah enters the temple to see the Lord our God “High and lifted up!” This is the proper position for God in your life. He should forever be high and lifted up! The Lord our God should be Primary in the life of a believer. “Thou shalt have NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME!” We should see God as “High and Lifted up!”

Isaiah then sees the Majestic beauty and the POWER of God, when He sees the “train of the robe of God” filling the temple. Just the fridge… Just a fraction of the Royal garments of God FILLED the temple. We need to realized and recognize the Power of God! We need to realize and recognize the Greatness of God! We need to really and recognize the SUPREMACY of God! How GREAT is our God?!?! That the “train of His robe filled the temple!”

This is where your salvation MUST begin. If you have not realized the Holiness of God, then you have not recognized your sin for what it is. If you have not submitted your life to THIS GOD, then you are serving a false religion. If your life has not been forever changed by the POWER of God unto salvation, then you have not truly surrendered your life to the One True King.

The Gospel message MUST begin with the Holiness of God. We MUST see God as He is. We MUST recognize Him in His supremacy. And we MUST declare “HOLY! HOLY! HOLY! Is the Lord God Almighty! The whole earth is FILLED with His Glory!”