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Let All Creation Fear Its Creator

Mar 9, 2022    Cole Cleveland

Psalm 33
8 Let all the earth fear the Lord;
let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him!
9 For he spoke, and it came to be;
he commanded, and it stood firm.

Remember verses 1-3 leading into these 2 verses. We are talking about praising the Lord. We are talking about giving thanks to the Lord. We are talking about singing a new song to the Lord. Then verses 4-7 give us reasons why we are to do this: God is upright, faithful, righteous, just, steadfast, love, Sovereign over creation.

Now, the call is for ALL of creation to fear the Lord. And fear is defined as “standing in awe of Him.” And the reason given for fearing God is that He spoke and the earth came to be. The reason given is that God spoke and the earth was.

This is the greatest need of this country. We do not truly fear God. There is no reverence of God. There is no “awe” of God. We have commercialized Him and made Him a convenient tag-along to our current lifestyle. We do not truly fear Him.

To fear God because He created the universe by His word is to fear God because of His omnipotence. This is not to be scared of God because of His power, but instead to see His absolute Supremacy and yield to His Sovereignty. The root of this goes back to taking God for granted for speaking the world into existence... I mean, just meditate on THAT fact. Meditate on the fact that “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.”

We, as creation, are called to fear God because He is our Creator! We are called to stand in awe of His Absolute Power and Sovereignty and Supremacy.

We are called to Fear God because He spoke and the universe “stood firm.” This is a direct contrast to the Big Bang Theory and the Evolutionist Theory. The fact is that God spoke and His plan was set forth. The universe “stood firm” the same way that time “stands firm.” God does not change His Sovereign plan because He is sitting in Heaven surprised by what is happening. It is His Sovereign hand which causes these things to be. We must stand in fear of this Supremacy and Power.

Understand that your current situation is a direct result of creation “standing firm” and time “standing firm” based on God’s Sovereignty. He has not only placed you in this current circumstance, but He also has a purpose for your being. We are not called to be a detective and figure out every detail of why something has occurred. Our calling is to walk by Faith and not by sight. This is walking in a manner worthy of the calling to which we have been called. And doing this is fearing God.

There are only two options: 1) Fear this earth, or 2) Fear God. You cannot do both. You cannot do neither.

Our calling as the created is to Fear the Creator.