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The Seraphim

Feb 22, 2022    Cole Cleveland

1 In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple. 2 Above him stood the seraphim. Each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. 3 And one called to another and said:“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!” Isaiah 6:1-3

God reveals Himself to Isaiah in a powerful way. He sees the Lord “High and Lifted up.” Isaiah then describes the scene as the Seraphim are crying out to God — these are the protectors of God’s Glory.

“Seraphim” means ‘The Burning Ones”… they are literally on fire for God! These are angelic beings of the most precious and beautiful and terrifying kind. And two of their wings are covering their eyes because even they unworthy to even look upon the Holiness of God. They could not look into the Glory of the face and of the countenance of the Radiant majesty of Almighty God! And two of their wings are covering their feet because this was symbolic of a servant who would take off his sandals in the presence of his master… unworthy to stand before him. Like when Moses removed his sandals in the presence of Yahweh. And two of their wings are ready to fly… they are awaiting the assignment that their King will give to them to carry out.

And these beautiful, majestic, terrifying Seraphim are crying out… the description of WHO GOD IS!

“HOLY! HOLY! HOLY! Is the Lord God Almighty!” The WHOLE EARTH is filled with His Glory!”

Note that these angelic beings are not crying out “Love! Love! Love!” Even though God IS Love. Note that they are not crying out “Truth! Truth! Truth!” Even though God IS Truth. They are crying out “HOLY! HOLY! HOLY!” Because this is the all-encompassing character of WHO GOD IS! ALL of the Attributes of the Almighty God are described in His Holiness!

Back and forth Isaiah hears ALL OF HEAVEN crying out: “HOLY! HOLY! HOLY! Is the Lord God Almighty! The WHOLE EARTH is filled with His Glory!”

We must recognize the Holiness of God! The Gospel begins with this recognition. To be “Holy” is to be a cut above, to be separated. And that is what God is… He is a cut above all of His creation. He is not one of us. He is not on our level. He is “Hight and lifted up” and we are way down here beneath His Majesty.

There is an infinite chasm between the Holiness of God and all of mankind. The Holiness of God means that He loves righteousness and He hates sin. God loves anything that conforms to His Holy character. But there is a violent reaction within God against ALL that is unholy. He is NOT just Holy Angry with sin but with the sinner. Psalm 7 says that God has indignation against sin every day. Not just that God will pour out His wrath in eternity. But that God is HOLY ANGRY with the wicked every day. And it has to be that way because He is HOLY! And in His Holiness, He is the Just, Perfect, Righteous Judge.

Your salvation must begin with submitting your life to THIS KING. Your Justification must begin with surrendering your life to THIS LORD. We must understand the significance of the Holiness of God.