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The Opposite of Fearing God

Feb 11, 2022    Cole Cleveland

Today, let’s continue to parallel Proverbs 1:7 with Psalm 67:7, understanding what it means to “Fear the Lord.” More specifically today, let’s look at the opposite of Fearing God. Because there are only two options — You either Fear God or you do not. There is no in-between. There is no “having good manners at church” relationship with God. The reality of the Christian Faith is that you are either all in or you are out. And you can think about your own life and your own decisions and your own thoughts and evaluate whether or not you actually Fear God or not…

Proverbs 1:7 — The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.

So, here are your options — You either Fear God or you are a fool. There is no in-between. “The fool has said in his heart there is no God.”

If you are playing church… If you are living casual Christianity… If you are living a life of debauchery… If you are taking God lightly… If you could take or leave the commands and precepts of God… Then you are a fool. And if you are a fool then you are headed to eternity experiencing the absolute wrath of God. If nothing else from this study this week, THAT ought to make you tremble. If that doesn’t make you tremble, then there is something wrong. Because the fact is that Hell is real. Eternal damnation is real. Eternally experiencing the absolute wrath of God is real and is going to happen to those who do not put their Faith in Jesus Christ.

We already mentioned this week that there will be those who say “Lord, Lord…” Do you know who those are? Those are casual “Christians”… Those are take-it or leave-it “Christians”… Those are the people who THINK they know God but do not. The Almighty God WILL receive Glory and Honor and Praises and there WILL come a day that EVERY knee will bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! There is no mistaking that day. It will surely come! And for those who Fear God and trust Him as their Lord and Savior, this will be a Joyful event. But for those who do not Fear God, this will be the beginning of eternity spent in the Lake of Fire.

Do you Fear God? Or are you considered a “fool”?